terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2020

News from Brasilia 07/14/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia 
72284 confirmed cases and 930 deaths

Chart from the Health Secretary. Updated on July 13th, 2020

If you are following the news about the reopening of schools and non essential businesses in Brazil, you must be confused. Don't worry, it's confusing even for the Brazilians. Governor says something, then a judge "cancel" his decree. Then another judge, this time a desembargador, comes and reinstall what the governor had determined. And then dates change, and we don't know what is going to happen next. It's kind of crazy, I know.

After so many weeks in quarantaine, people are not respecting the rules so much. But new cases and deaths : (   just show us that we all should be cautious and responsible.
We will make a short trip so I won't be posting this week. I hope next time I write with news from Brasilia, there will be good news to share.
Take care and see you soon

News from Brasília 10/14/2020

Hello! How have you been lately? Sorry I haven't written for the past days. Kids had a school break and we made a road trip around Cen...