sábado, 30 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/30/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
8722 confirmed cases, 154 deaths.

Chart from DF Health Secretary. Updated in May 29th 6pm

Although the situation in Brasilia is still way better than the other regions of Brazil, the number of infected is rising daily, and also the number of deaths. You can read official reports (in Portuguese) and see updated charts at the http://www.coronavirus.df.gov.br/
Unfortunatley Brazil is in the international news for being one of the countries most affected by the pandemia. The number of deaths are around 1,000 daily. This is really sad and concerning news. Besides that, a serious political crisis is on. Two ministers of Health left. The first one, Mandetta, was fired. The second one, Teish, resigned after only 1 month working at the Minister of Health. Both Ministers didn't agree with the president's point of view of vertical isolation only and massive use of chloroquine.  

Festa Junina. One of the most popular festivities of Brazil.
When we think about a popular event in Brazil, people usually refer Carnaval. Indeed, carnival in Brazil is an unique and enormous celebration. But to be honest, my favorite Brazilian celebration is Festa Junina ("June fest/ Fest of Saint John"). It happens in the month of June (people love so much that it is often extented for the months of July and sometimes even August!). I will tell more about this wonderful celebration later, but now I just wanted to share the initiative of some bakeries and restaurants of Brasilia that are offering delivery of the delicious food (the best part of June fest!) since the festivities will probably not occur this year (usually the fests take place in churches and schools). If you go here, you will see in the pictures some of the typical food and also the number to order them. Canjica, arroz carreteiro...hum, so yummy. Enjoy!

And talking about food and back to the pandemia, unfortunately many restaurants closed in Brasilia. I've heard yesterday in radio CBN that 350 places closed and almost 8,000 jobs were lost. This is really sad. One very traditional and German restaurants will definitely close next week, Fritz. The restaurant is offering deliveries until tomorrow. So you still have time to order with you want.

Have a great and safe weekend!!

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