domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

News from Brasilia 04/26/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia 
1181 confirmed cases, 27 deaths.
Full report released by the Health Secretary you can read (in Portuguese) here

Mass Coronavirus testing in Brasilia - drive thru
Mass testing started at Plano Piloto and Aguas Claras last week. Now there are more places where people can be tested by drive thru system. To avoid long car lines, now it is required to do a sign in (quick registration) before going to the places of the test. You will get by email a confirmation of the appointment for the testing with place and time. It is important to remind that this test is for people who have symptoms only. If you want to schedule a test, click here

Mass testing in Brasilia. Covid- 19 . photo: Jornal de Brasilia. April 26th, 2020

Date of the reopening of the schools is still uncertain 
Ibaneis Rocha, Governor of DF, said today he still doesn't know when the schools will reopen to the students. After Ibaneis met president Bolsonaro last week, it was rumoured that the civic-military schools could reopen earlier than the other public schools. Many parents who have their kids in these schools were worried about that. But now there is no date defined to reopening of any school in DF, public or private.

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News from Brasília 10/14/2020

Hello! How have you been lately? Sorry I haven't written for the past days. Kids had a school break and we made a road trip around Cen...