segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2020

News from Brasilia 04/13/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
638 confirmed cases and 15 deaths.

Papuda has 43 people infected, 23 are prisoners.
Papuda is the main prison of DF.

Furniture and appliance stores open.
Local Government flexibilized a little the quarantaine and allowed some non essential retail stores to open, such as furniture stores and appliance stores. Malls remain closed.

TODAY!! At 8pm (Brasilia time)
Auction of many items related to  Brasilia. Books, art pieces and more and prices starting at only R$20. The auction is an initiative of the collector Manuel Lauand to celebrate Brasília's 60th anniversary.   To access this and others Brazilian online auction, click here

photo: correioweb April 13th, 2020

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News from Brasília 10/14/2020

Hello! How have you been lately? Sorry I haven't written for the past days. Kids had a school break and we made a road trip around Cen...