terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2020

Let's learn Portuguese- video 1

Hello! We don't know yet how long the quarantaine will last, right? So what about learning some Portuguese while you can't interact much outside the house?

I will record from now on short videos with some useful words/ expressions.

The first expression is BOM DIA. It means good morning and we use it in many situations. We say "bom dia" to greet people when we are entering the elevator. We say "bom dia" before starting a presentation. If you are leaving the building you live at , you can greet the janitor (porteiro) with a smile and a bom dia. If you know his/her name, even better. "Bom dia, seu João". 

When I first got to Texas, I was surprised about the "conversation" people had in the shops. Hi, how are you today? It made me feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning because I didn't know exactly how to respond to that. After a while, I got used to the small talk (and I do miss that!).  In Brazil, we don't talk much  when we are paying something in the grocery store or when we enter the elevator with people we don't know. We just say "bom dia" or boa tarde or boa noite, depending at the time of the day. 

Bom dia para você e até a próxima!

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