segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2020

Let's learn Portuguese - video 4 inverno/verão (winter/summer)

No Brasil começou o inverno (It's now winter in Brazil)
E aqui na Polônia começou o verão (And here in Poland it's summer)
Só que não parece muito...  (But it doesn't look like summer..)

The video today was presented by my twins, Ana and Davi.

So it's winter in Brazil! For those who are used to cold weather, you will surprised to know that when it's 10 degrees Celsius (50 Fahrenheit)  in Brazil , we say it's really cold. In winter in Brasilia you can expect amazingly beautiful and blue sky and no rain. Humidity is really low. So keep a water bottle  next to you, you will need plenty of water.

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