quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2020

News from Brasilia 08/20/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia

143153 confirmed cases, 2175 deaths.

Chart from the Health Secretary. Updated on Aug 20th.


It's surprising and sad to see these numbers rising and rising. As I've written before, I am now living in Poland, country with 40 million people and the situation of coronavirus is better than Brasilia only. Presential classes in public school are postponed again. 

The recommendation in this bad Covid-19 scenario is avoid crowded places and wear mask if you need to go out. But after so many weeks of isolation, you may feel like doing something fun. One idea is the drive in to watch a movie. There are some options in the city. You can check here . On Saturday there will be a pet friendly special session at cine drive in. You can read more about the CinePet here

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