sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2020

News from Brasilia 04/17/2020

727 confirmed cases, 20 deaths.
DF Health Secretary posts a daily epidemiological bulletin with the coronavirus situation in Brasilia. It is possible to see number of infected organized by age group, neighborhood, graphics etc. The report of April 16th you can access here.

Minister of Health fired
Luiz Henrique Mandetta was fired yesterday by president Bolsonaro. In the last weeks, their divergence was very clear. President Bolsonaro insists in vertical isolation and he is an enthusiast of the medication chloroquine. Mandetta, who is a doctor, defends the horizontal isolation and doesn't recommend so far the broad use of a medication that hasn't been largely tested and it is not a consensus in the scientific community.
The new nominated Brazilian Health Minister, Nelson Teich, is an oncologist and in his first speech he said no measure will be abruptly changed. It is expected that Mandetta helps in the transition.

photo: Sworn in ceremony of the new Minister of Health 

Firefighters band will make a performance today, at 6pm (Brasilia time) in Aguas Claras. 
As part of the project "Música em casa, comida no prato" (Music at home, food in the plate), the band plans others performances. The initiative aims to bring some joy and also stimulate donations of food.
So if you live near Central Park, open your window at 6pm and enjoy. You can read more (in Portuguese) here

Today, at 6pm, Aguas Claras. photo: correioweb 17/04/2020

                                                                                                                   Erika Berbert

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News from Brasília 10/14/2020

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