sábado, 4 de abril de 2020

News from Brasilia 04/04/2020

441 confirmed cases, 7 people already died. The last one was a man who was at the hospital Santa Lucia, Asa Norte.

Discount in private school's fees 
Schools will be closed until May 31th, as says a decree of Ibaneis Rocha, Federal District's Governor. A local Congressman, Rafael Prudente, is proposing a law's project to oblige the private schools to give 30% discount while schools are not operating normally because of the restrictions imposed by the decree.

Some private schools have already moved in this direction and have already annonuced they will give discounts. However, some parents are complaining that distance learning lack in quality and for younger children, such the ones in daycare or preschool, learning and activities through a screen is not an option.

Governor Ibaneis says he plans to estabilish a group to mediate the discussions since he believes in less interference in the private sector and that each case is different so it's not simple to come up with a single solution for different problems.

Free coffee for health professionals

Fran's cafe, 209 Norte, is offering expressos for free for those who work in hospital, as a way to express gratitute for their service in this difficult time.

Woman arrested in Taguatinga for selling fake hand sanitizer
The 41y woman will be charged for crime against public health and if found guilty she can take 10-15 years of improsionment.
It is always good to remind that better than hand sanitizer is to wash our hands thoroughly and many times a day.

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News from Brasília 10/14/2020

Hello! How have you been lately? Sorry I haven't written for the past days. Kids had a school break and we made a road trip around Cen...