quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/06/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia 
2046 confirmed cases, 35 deaths.

As I've told before, I am living in Warsaw, Poland now. We are in quarantaine for almost 2 months. Kindergartens and daycares are now allowed to open, but many parents are scared to send their kids (I would be too if I had kids of that age. Mine are older and may be back to school in the end of May. TBC). Malls are also back to business, except for the food court. Masks are mandatory and before entering a shop you must apply hand sanitizer. After staying at home for so long, something unexpected (for me, since I've always liked to be outdoors) happened: I got used to stay at home. And I recently discovered that I could ask Alexa to play radio CBN Brasilia. So whenever I am cooking or doing the dishes, I can choose either to listen to the best of the "local" (Chopin) or news live from Brasilia. Cool.
I've just heard in the radio about a project that I found simple, beautiful and touching. INUMERÁVEIS (Innumerable). It is a virtual memorial about the victims of Covid-19 in Brazil. The idea is somehow honor who died from this terrible disease. The victims, says the organizer of the project, are not numbers or statistics. They were real. They were people from various ages who had dreams, family, friends. They can't be forgotten.

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News from Brasília 10/14/2020

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