sábado, 30 de maio de 2020

Hello from Poland


Following a friend's suggestion, I will post some videos from now on. I know the last news haven't been so good as the pandemic is still on and Brazil is struggling to defeat this battle against coronavirus.

But Brasilia has so much to offer and as many of you won't live in Brasilia for many years, so there is no time to waste.

I do hope I can bring some useful tips and information. If you want to ask something, you can write in the comments or you can send me an email (please write in the subject: Living in Brasilia. So it would be easier for me to know what the message is about) erikaberbert@gmail.com

News from Brasilia 05/30/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
8722 confirmed cases, 154 deaths.

Chart from DF Health Secretary. Updated in May 29th 6pm

Although the situation in Brasilia is still way better than the other regions of Brazil, the number of infected is rising daily, and also the number of deaths. You can read official reports (in Portuguese) and see updated charts at the http://www.coronavirus.df.gov.br/
Unfortunatley Brazil is in the international news for being one of the countries most affected by the pandemia. The number of deaths are around 1,000 daily. This is really sad and concerning news. Besides that, a serious political crisis is on. Two ministers of Health left. The first one, Mandetta, was fired. The second one, Teish, resigned after only 1 month working at the Minister of Health. Both Ministers didn't agree with the president's point of view of vertical isolation only and massive use of chloroquine.  

Festa Junina. One of the most popular festivities of Brazil.
When we think about a popular event in Brazil, people usually refer Carnaval. Indeed, carnival in Brazil is an unique and enormous celebration. But to be honest, my favorite Brazilian celebration is Festa Junina ("June fest/ Fest of Saint John"). It happens in the month of June (people love so much that it is often extented for the months of July and sometimes even August!). I will tell more about this wonderful celebration later, but now I just wanted to share the initiative of some bakeries and restaurants of Brasilia that are offering delivery of the delicious food (the best part of June fest!) since the festivities will probably not occur this year (usually the fests take place in churches and schools). If you go here, you will see in the pictures some of the typical food and also the number to order them. Canjica, arroz carreteiro...hum, so yummy. Enjoy!

And talking about food and back to the pandemia, unfortunately many restaurants closed in Brasilia. I've heard yesterday in radio CBN that 350 places closed and almost 8,000 jobs were lost. This is really sad. One very traditional and German restaurants will definitely close next week, Fritz. The restaurant is offering deliveries until tomorrow. So you still have time to order with you want.

Have a great and safe weekend!!

quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/27/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
7367 confirmed cases, 127 deaths.

source: Health Secretary DF May 27th

 Mass testing in Brasilia

For people with symptoms of cold/fever. You can schedule the quick test here: https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/. The test is made in a drive thru system in 10 different locations of Federal District. You can schedule to be tested in the testing point close to your house. To read more about the mass testing, click here 

It's cold in Brasilia!
Temperatures around 10 degrees Celsius (or 50 Fahrenheit) as it was today is really cold for us Brazilians. Tomorrow you can expect a sunny day and higher temperatures. And if you are new to Brasilia, let me tell you about the weather: from May on it can be really dry. So don't forget to drink plenty of water along the day.

Malls reopened today

                                     photo: Metropoles. May 27th

Large crowds was seen in the malls in the first day of reopening after 2 months. As there are some restrictions (as obligation to have the temperature checked before entering the mall), there were lines. Malls have reduced opening hours (Mon-Saturday 1pm-9pm. Sunday 2pm-8pm), the food courts are still closed (only to go option available). Some stores have delivery system. 

domingo, 24 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/24/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
6268 confirmed cases, 97 deaths

Source: Health Secretary. Uptaded on May 24th

Coronavirus in Brazil

Source: Ministry of Health. Updated on May 23th. Brazil registered 965 deaths because of coronavirus in only 24h. Over 22,000 people have already died in Brazil because of the disease.  

Although the number of infected are rising as well as the number of deaths, the situation of the coronavirus in Brasilia is way better than others parts of Brazil.

In Brasilia there is a reference public hospital to treat patients with coronavirus, HRAN. Also a field hospital was inaugurated in the Mane Garrincha stadium and 20 patients are already being treated there.

Mass testing in Brasilia
Mass testing started on April 21st and over 100,000 people were already tested (the system offers 4,000 tests a day). This quick test offered in a drive thru system is for people with symptoms of cold/fever for at least 7 days. You can schedule a test at https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/And you can choose the place closer to your home. For example, if you live at South Aisle or North Aisle (Asa Sul or Asa Norte) you can be tested at Parque da Cidade or at the Terraço Shopping mall. 

What is already opened in Brasilia and what are the next steps?

Governor Ibaneis Rocha published another decree authorizing the reopening of the malls from May 27th, Wednesday, with restrictions (cinema, food court, playing area remain closed). Opening hours 1pm-9pm. 
The shops in the streets (quadras comerciais) have already been authorized to reopen. However, fitness centers, hair salons, museums, clubs remain closed until further notice. Schools were not authorized yet to reopen.
source: G1 DF

sábado, 23 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/23/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
6024 confirmed cases, 91 deaths.

Coronavirus in Brasil

Updated on May 22th. Chart of the Health Minister. 21,048 deaths in Brasil. 1,001 deaths in 24 hours.

quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/21/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
5271 confirmed cases, 78 deaths.

Although the number of infected by coronavirus is increasing as well as number the number of deaths (so sad!), the situation in Brasilia is way better compared to other regions of Brazil. While in some States, as Amazonas and Pará, the occupancy rate of the ICUs is over 90%; the occupancy rate in Brasilia is around 40%. The official Health Secretary website informs there are 252 ICUs beds in Federal District exclusively for patients with Covid-19. 97 are occupied and 155 are available. 

Brasilia coronavirus situation as of May 21th, 2020.

Coronavirus in Brazil. Almost 300,000 confirmed cases and 18,859 deaths. Yesterday we had the sad record of more than one thousand deaths in a day because of coronavirus
source: Health Minister of Brazil

Mass testing in Brasilia
Mass testing started on April 21st and almost 90,000 were already tested (the system offers 4,000 tests a day). This quick test offered in a drive thru system is for people with symptoms of cold/fever for at least 7 days. You can schedule a test at https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/. And you can choose the place closer to your home. For example, if you live at South Aisle or North Aisle (Asa Sul or Asa Norte) you can be tested at Parque da Cidade or at the Terraço Shopping mall. 

source: Health Secretary of DF. May 21st, 2020

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/18/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
4545 confirmed cases, 60 deaths.

If you have been following the numbers, you are probably surprised as me seeing this chart. The increase of the confirmed cases in Brasilia was in several hundreds since Friday.

There are a lot of controversy in Brazil about what the president says, what the Governors do, what health authorities say. Some people defend the vertical isolation, some believe the restrictions should be strict as lockdown so everything could be back to "normal" sooner.
Anyway, it's impossible to deny that the situation in Brazil is alarming! Over 16,000 deaths so far. The updated national chart you can acess here .

Coronavirus in Brazil. source: https://covid.saude.gov.br/ updated in May17th.

In Brasilia use of mask in public spaces is compulsory. Fiscalization is in place and fee for those who disobey is R$2,000. 

photo: Metropoles May 18th 

Clubs are giving discounts in the memberships
Discounts from 20% to 40% are being given since the clubs remain closed. Some members complained that during 2 months no discount was given, but now the montly payment of Iate, for example, has a discount and the amount to pay decreased in R$200,00. 

source: Metropoles May 18th

sábado, 16 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/16/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
3907 confirmed cases, 55 deaths

http://www.coronavirus.df.gov.br/ This is the coronavirus portal of Brasilia. There is official reports, latest information, link to schedule an exam...

HRAN - reference hospital for treating patients with Covid-19
photo: Metropoles May 15th

Yesterday part of the staff of the hospital were submitted to test to detect the new coronavirus. All of them, including the health professionals who work in the Intensive Unit Care got as a result NEGATIVE . The hospital follow strict international guidelines and it is the reference hospital for treating patients of Covid-19 in the public system. The public health system of Brazil is called SUS. It is free and universal, so even if you don't a health insurance you will get free health care.

Mass testing in Brasilia  
The mass testing is being coordinated by the Health Secretary. It is a drive thru system, so you don't leave the car when you go to the testings points. To schedule the exam, go to https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/.

photo: Agencia Brasilia. 

The mass testing first began on April 21th and over 70,000 people were already tested. Usually the system schedules around 4,000 tests a day. On Thursday, 49 people were tested positive. 

sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2020

News from Brazil 05/15/2020

Some weeks ago, I gave a break of the local news to explain why Moro's resignation from the Ministry of Justice had so much impact in Brazil. Today this post is not about Brasilia, but about Brazil.
I've just heard that the Minister of Health (the second one in one month) resigned. In the middle of the health crisis due to the pandemia of coronavirus.
So, I guess I should do a brief explanation about the political situation in Brazil. It is not a good situation, unfortunately. I am so proud to be Brazilian, I love to talk about my country, but I can't deny that what it's happening now makes me sad and worried.

Who is who?
Bolsonaro - president of Brazil
Mandetta- former Minister of Health
Teich- actual Minister of Health. He resigned today
Doria- Governor of Sao Paulo, the richest State of Brazil

Photo: Miguel Schincariol/ AFP The Guardian
Protests against president Bolsonaro

President Bolsonaro has made polemic declarations since the first cases of coronavirus in Brazil. Even after some deaths, he said it was nothing serious and that if he caught the virus, he would be OK.

Bolsonaro is against horizontal isolation, he defends the vertical isolation. It was a big point of conflict with Mandetta. The former Minister of Health gained a lot of respect of governors and the population while conducting the efforts to fight the pandemia. But Bolsonaro repeatedly acted against the recommendations, interacting with his supporters and insisting in the use of chloroquine, just to give some examples. When Mandetta gave an interview in a very popular attraction of TV Globo called Fantastico, it was clear that he and the president were having serious disagreements. Few days later, Mandetta resigned. And there were protests from the population (from their windows, people bang pots and pans). Teich recently said that lockdown may be an option in cities where the coronavirus situation is out of control. And just as his predecessor, Mandetta, Teich also was careful about the use of chloroquine. 

Bolsonaro has been criticized by many politicians and Governors. Doria, just after Teich's resignation was announced, once again made harsh declarations against Bolsonaro. 

Well, political situation in Brazil is impossible to put in only few words. I hope I didn't overwhelm you.  And I do hope I can share good news in the future.
About the coronavirus in Brasilia, as I've written before, the situation in DF is not at all as bad as in other States of Brazil. Anyway the cases are increasing, we had more deaths today. Please take care of yourself and remember the use of mask is compulsory now.
Have a great weekend!

quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/14/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
3192 cases, 48 deaths.
Source: Health Secretary of Federal District 

Mass testing in Brasilia
To schedule a free and quick test, go to https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/

If you want to know more about the mass testing, you can read (in Portuguese, from the Health Secretary website) here .  I also wrote a post some days explaining more about this topic. It's here.

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/13/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
2979 confirmed cases, 46 deaths.
Heath Secretary updates everyday at 6pm the coronavirus scenario in Federal District. You can read reports (in Portuguese) here

chart from coronavirus.df.gov.br May 13th, 2020

Date of back to school remain uncertain
Governor Ibaneis Rocha has said it's still soon to schools reopen and he even mention it could happen only in August.
Now the University of Brasilia (UNB) also announced that there is no date yet to resume classes. Vestibular, which is a test to enter the university is suspended for now.

The University of Brasilia (Unb)
photo: Metropoles May 13th

Cine drive in is open to business 
Cine drive in is a cultural patrimony of Brasilia. It first operated in 1973.
All movies theaters and museums remain closed in Brasilia, but you can have fun going to Cine Drive in. Attention: there is a strict recommendation that you go watch a movie only with people of your household.

photo: Jornal de Brasilia May 13th, 2020

Besides Cine Drive In, what else is open for business in Brasilia?
You can read here what is open and what remain closed because of the pandemia of coronavirus
source: Official coronavirus portal of the Government of Federal District (GDF) 

segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/11/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
2740 confirmed cases, 44 deaths.

The use of mask  in public space is now compulsory in Federal District!
Fine will be applied for those who disobey the rule. R$2.000,00

Mass testing in Brasilia 
There are 10 places of drive thru testing in Brasilia. In 2 weeks of this mass testing, over 50,000 people were tested and there were 347 positive results for the new coronavirus. These exams provided by the Health Secretary of DF are free and scheduled by email. However, this quick exam is designated only for people with symptoms of cold/fever for at least 7 days. You must schedule the exam clicking here and drive to the designated place of testing using a mask (remember: the use of masks is mandatory in Brasilia starting today, including when you are in the bus or taxi- driver and passengers must wear a mask). There are 10 testing places in Federal District and you will be scheduled to the one closer to your house.

Drive thru testing places in Federal District
source: DF Health Secretary

Yesterday was mother's day! 
Mother's day is a very important date for the trade. In Brazil, after Christmas time, Mother's day is the second date when people buy more.

Woman infected with coronavirus gave birth to a health in HRAN (Hospital Regional da Asa Norte)

Photo: saude.df.gov.br May 11th 

Baby is already using a face shield (especially designed not to hurt the delicate skin). HRAN is a public hospital in the North Aisle and it's a reference hospital for patients with Covid-19 in Brasilia. More births of women tested positive for coronavirus or with the suspect of infection may happen at HRAN in the following weeks. The hospital is taking a lot of measures to minimize risk of contamination of the staff and the other patients, Source: Health Secretary website

sábado, 9 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/09/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
2501 confirmed cases, 37 deaths. 

116 people tested positive for coronavirus yesterday in the drive thru mass testing. In the previous post, you can read more information about the mass testing in Brasilia and how to schedule the exam .

Supporters of president Bolsonaro went again to the Esplanada dos Ministérios to show support for Bolsonaro and protest against the judges of Brazil Supreme Court (STF).  Last week, one of the judges, Alexandre de Morais, suspended Bolsonaro's decision to nominate Alexandre Ramagem for the Head of the Federal Police (PF). The insistence of the president in changing the head of the PF was the reason appointed by Sergio Moro, former Minister of Justice, to resign. Moro didn't see a reason to fire Marcelo Valeixo (former Head of the PF). His resignation was a big happening and although Moro is not affiliated to any politic party, there is a lot of speculation if he will run for president in the next election (2022).

photo: Metropoles May 9th, 2020. Supporters of president Bolsonaro go once again to the Esplanada dos Ministerios.


sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/08/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
2258 confirmed cases, 35 deaths.
Full reports (in Portuguese) as well as official information from local Health Secretary you can read here

Mass testing in Brasilia 
There are 10 places of drive thru testing in Brasilia. In 2 weeks of this mass testing, over 50,000 people were tested and there were 347 positive results for the new coronavirus. These exams provided by the Health Secretary of DF are free and scheduled by email. However, this quick exam is designated only for people with symptoms of cold/fever for at least 7 days. You must schedule the exam clicking here and drive to the designated place of testing using a mask (remember: masks will be mandatory in Brasilia starting Monday, May 11th, but it is highly recommended that you already wear yours whenever you leave home) . There are 10 testing places in Federal District and you will be scheduled to the one closer to your house.

Drive thru testing places in Federal District
source: DF Health Secretary 

Only yesterday  3,900 people were tested in the drive thru testing promoted by DF Health Secretary. 40 tested positive for coronavirus
                                                                                                         photo: Health Secretary website

You make a donation and wins a piece of art from a design store of Brasilia
Weissenhaus, a design store located at 705 Sul (South Aisle of Plano Piloto) started a campaign to raise food donations for the poor of Brasilia. If you donate a cesta básica you get a Eames bird as the ones of the picture below.
Cesta basica is a very popular gift in Brazil for poor people. It is something like a "food basket/ grocery package". You can get that in grocery stores, for example. The cost varies depending of how many items come in the parcel. Prices start with 50 reais.
To make a donation you have to send a direct message to the store in Instagram.   @weissenhaus_

You give a "cesta básica", you get this Eames bird. Campaign of Weissenhaus store
                                                                                       photo: Metropoles May 7th, 2020

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/06/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia 
2046 confirmed cases, 35 deaths.

As I've told before, I am living in Warsaw, Poland now. We are in quarantaine for almost 2 months. Kindergartens and daycares are now allowed to open, but many parents are scared to send their kids (I would be too if I had kids of that age. Mine are older and may be back to school in the end of May. TBC). Malls are also back to business, except for the food court. Masks are mandatory and before entering a shop you must apply hand sanitizer. After staying at home for so long, something unexpected (for me, since I've always liked to be outdoors) happened: I got used to stay at home. And I recently discovered that I could ask Alexa to play radio CBN Brasilia. So whenever I am cooking or doing the dishes, I can choose either to listen to the best of the "local" (Chopin) or news live from Brasilia. Cool.
I've just heard in the radio about a project that I found simple, beautiful and touching. INUMERÁVEIS (Innumerable). It is a virtual memorial about the victims of Covid-19 in Brazil. The idea is somehow honor who died from this terrible disease. The victims, says the organizer of the project, are not numbers or statistics. They were real. They were people from various ages who had dreams, family, friends. They can't be forgotten.

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/05/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
1818 confirmed cases, 33 deaths.
All the information about the coronavirus in Federal District as well as the most updated numbers and reports, you can read at the portal http://www.coronavirus.df.gov.br/

Elderly in hotel during pandemia 
Around 300 elderly people (who live in vulnerable situation)  are temporarily living in Brasilia Palace Hotel. It is part of the project "Sua vida vale muito. Hotelaria Solidária"/ Your live worths a lot. . DF Government is paying for this group to stay in a hotel for 3 months. 

photo: Agencia Brasilia May 5th, 2020

Occupancy rate of ICUs in Brasilia
As you read in the post of yesterday, less than 30% of the ICU beds are occupied in Brasilia. However, the occupancy rate at HRAN (the public hospital of Asa Norte and reference in the treatment of Covid-19) is now 100%.
Ibaneis, Governor of DF, determined that private hospitals are now obliged to inform in real time the occupancy rate of ICUs.
Source: G1 Globo. May 4th, 2020  

segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/04/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
1720 confirmed cases, 33 deaths. Full report you can read here
Source: Health Secretary of DF

ICU in Brasilia for patients with Covid-19
There are 172 beds in intensive care unit available for patients with Covid-19 and the occupancy rate now is 28%. However, at HRAN (Hospital Regional da Asa Norte), a reference hospital for patients with Covid-19 all the 10 beds at ICU are occupied now.
Source: Metropoles May4th 

By the way HRAN is also a reference hospital to get immunization when traveling abroad. The hospital has the "sala do viajante" (traveler room) where you can get information about the vaccines needed for different countries. You can schedule an appointment by phone or email. More information here

sábado, 2 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia 05/02/2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
1546 confirmed cases, 31 deaths.
Source: official data from Health Secretary. Full report (in Portuguese) you can read here

ICU's of Brasilia designated to patients with Covid-19 have occupancy rate of 35%.
Some other cities in Brazil, as Manaus, are in worse situation, with occupancy rates over 90%.

Mass testing in Brasilia
There were some changes of places, but the procedure is the same. You have to schedule the exam first (https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/)  and you will be tested in a drive thru in the designated place closer to your home after you get an email. Attention: this quick test is recommended for people with symptoms of cold or fever for  at least 7 days.

photo: Agencia Brasilia, May 1st, 2020

sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2020

News from Brasilia May1st, 2020

Coronavirus in Brasilia
1537 confirmed cases, 30 deaths

Shops and malls remain closed until (at least) May 11th
Also, the fiscalization about the compulsory use of masks will begin in May 11th as well. Governor Ibaneis Rocha explained that he decided to postpone the fiscalization to give more time for the population to get the masks. Some institutions are donation thousands of masks and Fabrica Social (Social Fabric where poor students, mainly women, get a vocational training) are producing 2,000 masks a day. The students get a percentage of each mask produced.

Social Fabric of Brasilia. Students get a percentage of each mask produced.
photo: Agência Brasíli

Mass testing in Brasilia 
source: website of the local Government 

There will be no testing today, May 1st!! 

In 8 days of mass testing in Brasilia, over 35,000 quick tests (with results in 30 minutes) were made and 204 people were tested positive. There are some points of drive thru testing. You have to schedule the test  at https://sistemas.df.gov.br/mteste/.

This quick test is designated only for people who has the Covid-19 symptoms for at least a week. 

Drive thru Covid-19 testing in Brasilia. photo: Agência Brasília April 28th, 2020.

If you are eligible to be tested, you will be tested in the test point of the region you live (see bellow) after you get a confirmation by email:

Águas Claras or Taguatinga:
Residência Oficial do Governador 

Asas Sul e Norte, Sudoeste, Noroeste, Cruzeiro/Octogonal:
Parque da Cidade – Estacionamento 4 
Estádio Mané Garrincha

Lago Sul (South Lake), Paranoá, Jardim Botânico:
Paróquia São Pedro de Alcântara – St. de Habitações Individuais Sul EQI 7/9 – Lago Sul

Lago Norte (North Lake)
Iguatemi Shopping

Guará, Núcleo Bandeirante, Candangolândia and Park Sul:

News from Brasília 10/14/2020

Hello! How have you been lately? Sorry I haven't written for the past days. Kids had a school break and we made a road trip around Cen...