sábado, 21 de março de 2020

News from Brasilia 01/21/2020


Confirmed cases raised in 24 new cases in only one day.
Only 4 people are hospitalized, the others 104 confirmed cases are in isolation in their houses.
The most complicated case is the woman who was the first one to be diagnosed with COVID-19 in Brasilia. She is breathing with the help of a breathing machine.  AT HOME
Local authorities recommend quarantine. Even open air activities are not recommended. Zoo, academies and parks will remain closed.
Ibaneis Rocha (Governor of the Federal District) extended home office for public servant. Health, Security and Cleaning services remain at place. 

Public recognition to doctors and  health professionals
Yesterday, 02.30, at 8:30pm people in different areas of Federal District went to the windows and made a big applause (#aplausonajanela is the hashtag for this “campaign”) for the professionals who need to work and are saving lives. 

HFA will be obliged to publicize the names of the people tested positive for the Covid-19.
HFA (Hospital das Forças Armadas/Armed Forces Hospital) was the hospital responsible for the tests of the president Bolsonaro and his assistants. Several of his direct aides were tested positive after the official trip for the USA, including the press secretary. President Donald Trump was also tested for Covid-19 because he had contact with  part of the Brazilian comitive that was, later on, tested positive for Covid-19. Donald Trump’s result was negative.

Sources from local newspapers (digital edition): Correio Braziliense and Metropoles.


terça-feira, 17 de março de 2020


My name is Erika Berbert, I am Brazilian and I currently live in Warsaw, Poland. I was born in Sao Luis, Maranhão, but I moved to Brasilia with my parents when I was only a toddler and I stayed there until I was a was a grown up.

Because of my husband's work (he is a Brazilian diplomat), I have been living abroad for the last 10 years (with a 3 years window, when we got back to Brasilia). His first international assignment was Geneva, then Asuncion, Houston and now Warsaw.

I have thought about writing a blog to foreigners who live in Brasilia for a long time. But when I got to a country I didn't speak a word (after 7 months here, I still don't speak much Polish), I realized how it can affect our daily life. When you don't know the language, you don't know well what's going on in the city and you may not enjoy fully the city. And my wish is that every person that has to live in Brasilia fall in love with the city and be happy there.
So let me know how can I help you. Leave questions, comments and I will answer that the best I can.

News from Brasília 10/14/2020

Hello! How have you been lately? Sorry I haven't written for the past days. Kids had a school break and we made a road trip around Cen...